- Hi, it's Debbie with exciting news-
"As you know, Icing Images provides edible technology to help your wedding cakes look fantastic."
This could be your lucky day. You have a chance to be 1 of 250 Icing Images bakers to cash-in on those same results.
Here's the backstory. Do you recognize this image from the bottom of our homepage? There is a bubble above a woman that says, "Yeah, you know, everything is done on computers now." That's Naomi.
Just like my team and I have revolutionized the world of edible paper printing, Naomi and her partner, Ed, have done the same to sell wedding cakes.
We believe this is a way to fulfill our mission to make someone else's day just a little bit better. I would imagine you'd agree. Plus,
"Can you think of a Single Baker Who Wouldn’t Want to Get 20% Higher Prices, Have a 6.5 to 1 Advantage Over Competitors, or Boost Sales?"
Neither can I.
Get the ball rolling by reviewing the details and evidence presented by Ed, below the 5 red arrows. The Q & A is a must-read. It's loaded with tons of transparent positive information.
When you get to the point where the benefits are overwhelmingly obvious...claim your copy.
(As a reminder, in about 2 minutes, an orange banner will let you know if...luck is on your side.)
250 licenses have been reserved for our Icing Images community. Save close to 60%-70%
Command $100 More Per Wedding Cake, Boost
Profits by 50%, and Even Triple Your Orders!
Welcome to
You're Invited to Join a "Private Group" of 2000 Wedding Cake Creators Who Are Profiting From Disruptive Cutting-Edge Research, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence to Soar Wedding Cake Prices, Profits, and Orders
(In as Little as One Week)
The #1 biggest winners of this program are ICING IMAGES bakers and pastry chefs who like the idea of getting even higher prices from the wedding cakes they're booking. (After all, who doesn't like more profit?)
The #2 victors of this program are ICING IMAGES pastry chefs or bakers who are aggressive and would like to double or triple their sales.
The #3 champions of this program are ICING IMAGES bakers and pastry chefs new to wedding cakes and just getting started.
Wouldn't it be Sweet to Boost Prices 20%-30% and Still Have Brides Loving You?
"Great news. You absolutely, positively can. 350,000 brides share what convinces them to choose you by 6.5 to 1 over your competitors and...pay higher prices than you're currently getting."
(See the strategies, methods, and sales tools below.)
Tier-1 consists of: Foundational Building Blocks and the Quick Start Guide Overview
These "7 cakes" represent the foundation for all the tiers of strategies, tactics and tools to build upon. In addition, you’re receiving 3 more presentations along with accompanying PDF’s to make an immediate impact on your sales.
You’ll begin with a video introduction to your course. I will give you a personal introduction to the creation of this training program, how your investment in this course will pay future dividends for wedding cake bakers everywhere, and how to extract the most from the training.
Presentation 1.0: Quick Start Overview
The Quick Start Overview reveals the proprietary training that’s immediately going to add more orders and increased profits, plus how to take advantage of your 3 one-on-one 30 minute coaching calls. It's been proven that when coaching is included with training, a person is 5 times more likely to remember and utilize the materials to improve their skill sets and meet their objectives. I will personally answer questions, help implement strategies, tools, and provide any other advice. Let me emphasize, this is not group coaching, it’s not from one of my staff…it’s one-on-one with me.
Presentation 1.1: Brilliant Philosophies of Highly Successful Wedding Cake Masters
You’ll discover 5 philosophies super-successful wedding cake artists exhibit and the critical distinction between simply “helping” vs. genuinely “serving” brides.
Presentation 1.2: 11 Proven Psychological Principles for Encouraging Brides to Choose You
We’ll review 11 psychological principles which impart a tremendous amount of influence for getting brides to say “Yes.” Understanding and using these principles is the difference between a baker who knows a little about selling wedding cakes and a baker who has advanced skills and the ability to take their sales and prices to the next level.
Presentation 1.3: The Insecurity Gap: An Unseen Wall Between You and Your Brides
Uncover the #1 reason a certain number of brides are reluctant to buy from you and how you can overcome it.
Presentation 1.4: Friction: What it is and why it’s Vitally Important You Know How to Deal with it
Find out how to eliminate any dangerous static in your communication efforts with your brides. Your messaging should appeal to the hearts of your brides, instead of causing possible confusion and distrust. Our research has shown many bakers fail at recognizing friction. Now, you can be sure you won’t be one of them.
Presentation 1.5: Are You Aware There are Two Faces to Your Business
One side of your business face is the one you see. Then, there’s a side of your business face you may not recognize. It’s the side brides spot that doesn’t match yours. If you want more leads, sales and profits, you had better master this concept. In this presentation, I’m going to show you how to make both sides of your business face appear perfect.
Presentation 1.6: How to Create the World's Greatest Internal Reality
To be super successful, you need to begin with the mindset of becoming the “World’s Greatest.” When you do, you’ll create an atmosphere so special, your brides wouldn’t dare think of using anyone else. To accomplish this goal, I’ll share 68 “Credibility Boosters” to place you on a path toward greatness just in case you need a little help.
Presentation 1.7: The Bride’s Wedding Cake Buying Decision Matrix
I’ve formulated a graph that pinpoints all the steps which go through a bride’s mind before they decide to hire someone. When you follow this matrix, your marketing will be doing everything to make sure it’s you. (This presentation is repeated as presentation 5.13)
The Following 4 Presentations Include Word Editable Documents. That includes presentation 2.1
Presentation 1.9: 33 Bakery Buster Questions
(This Persuasive Sales Tool Will Generate an Instant Impact for Your Sales)
This is a powerful sales tool which has 33 questions your competitors hope and pray brides won’t ask. On the other hand, your answers will make you look like a shiningstar. If you’re not going to write your own wedding cake book, this is the next best thing. (This presentation is repeated as presentation 3.10. Also, you’re able to customize the ready-to-use Word “33 Bakery Buster Questions” booklet so it’s personal and suits your needs.)
Presentation 1.10: How to Impress and Influence Your Bride the First Time She Calls
(This Persuasive Sales Tool Will Generate an Instant Impact for Your Sales)
I’ll share two motivating phone scripts specifically for the first time a bride calls. They’ve been crafted to provide brides with the confidence you’re better and different than anyone else they’ve contacted. The bottom line is, it makes brides instantly eager to book a consultation. In addition, it makes them look forward to their consultation. (This presentation is repeated as presentation 5.2. Plus, you're able to customize the ready-to-use Word document, so it's personal and adjusts to your needs.)
Presentation 1.11: You’ll Love Your Wedding Cake Guarantee
(This Persuasive Sales Tool Will Generate an Instant Impact for Your Sales)
This is the same guarantee that made national news by offering a $10,000 wedding cake guarantee. (Don’t worry you can make it any dollar amount and it will still work perfectly.) It’s extremely effective for getting brides to choose you. Plus, after you understand how to use it, you’ll wish you had it years ago. Plus, you’re also able to customize the ready-to-use guarantee, so it’s personal and adjusts to your needs. (This presentation is repeated as presentation 3.9.)
Tier-2 consists of: Getting to Know Your Competition
Presentation 2.1: Cashing-in on Classified Competitive Intelligence
While the course provides dominant knowledge and tools to outmuscle your competition, it makes good business sense to know what your competitors are up to. You’ll receive my private template full of pointed questions to discover which competitors don’t come close to your superiority. And, it helps you know which competitors might be closing in on you. When you couple your competitive intelligence with the innovations and breakthroughs in my newsletter, we’ll keep you on top. (A ready-to-use editable Word version of the template is included.)
Tier-3 consists of: Building Your Evidence: Creating the World’s Best External Perception
Presentation 3.1: Positioning Associations and Awards for Maximum Effectiveness
We’ll nail-down the correct ways for using associations and awards, so your brides view you as an expert, authority, and a person they should choose.
Presentation 3.2: A Guide for Mastering Impressive Testimonials and Endorsements
To make you look like a shining star, I’ll show you how to extract extraordinary testimonials and endorsements that are powerful and meaningful.
Presentation 3.3: Making Your Credentials Standout and Count
You’ll be shown how to use your education, decorating classes, designations and other qualifications to illuminate your skills and talents…instead of possibly rubbing your bride the wrong way by sounding conceited.
Presentation 3.4: 7 Potent Ways to Take Advantage of Your Wedding Cake Photos
We’ll explore successful ways to increase sales using your wedding cake photos and the psychology behind the techniques.
Presentation 3.5: Getting Noticed: How to Write Blockbuster Press Releases
I’ll share a guide for achieving expert recognition in the press by using press releases while explaining how to use them as powerful marketing tools.
Presentation 3.6: A Priceless Presentation Folder
Very few bakers use a presentation folder. Lucky for you. According to psychologists, it creates an “Anchor” in your bride’s mind. That anchor fosters a bond between you and your brides over competitors who don’t use a presentation folder. In this presentation we’ll delve into its use and into the incredible leverage it offers you.
Presentation 3.7: Creating Phenomenal FAQs
We’ll review the research that uncovered the unbelievable statistics about how your competitors are using FAQ’s. Then, we’ll discuss how you should be using them to separate yourself from competitors.
Presentation 3.8: Making Your Website a Mesmerizing Bride-Magnet
I’ll be sharing the 14 primo ingredients which attracts and then converts shopping brides into buying brides. This is “the” exact proprietary and proven website model which has taken me from 6 to 18 wedding cakes (most of them at higher prices) per week. The original concept was drawn-up by a mastermind group of 9 multimillion-dollar Internet marketing geniuses. This model has never been revealed before now. Take advantage of it while you can.
Presentation 3.9: You’ll Love Your Wedding Cake Guarantee
(This is one of those must-have sales tools. It’s also in the quick start guide.)
In essence, the guarantee acts as an insurance policy for both you and your bride by addressing your bride’s main concerns and making you look like a compassionate hero. All the components (hot-buttons) of the guarantee were derived from our research results. There is no guess-work for how and why it works. You’ll receive a full explanation for how to use it. Plus, without the worry of giving refunds. It’s perfect for closing all brides, especially high-end brides and brides on the fence. (Word editable template included.)
Presentation 3.10: 33 Bakery-Buster Questions
(This is the coup de grace of wedding cake sales tools. It's also in the quick start overview.)
If you’ve ever wondered how to thoroughly separate yourself from your competitors by proving how you are better than your competitors, this is the knock-out punch sales tool of all-time. It’s a 22-page booklet you give to your brides that highlights your strengths, credibility, trustworthiness, and talents. When your bride compares you to your competitors, it will like comparing Saks Fifth Ave to Target. (Word editable template included.)
Tier-4 consists of: Crucial Lessons From: “The Ultimate Bride’s Guide for Buying a Wedding Cake”
Presentation 4.1: The Vital Importance of the Preface and Introduction
You’ll be floored when you find out how most bakers are not interested in being better than “good enough.” A perfect example is the number of bakers who won’t take this revolutionary training. Research has shown 17 out of 20 won’t. That leaves you with an opportunity larger than the Grand Canyon. If you’re wondering why only 3 in 20? Two reasons: First, many bakers think what they’re doing is working fine, so why do anything new or different? Second, is “indifference.” Funny thing is, these same bakers regularly watch online videos to learn new decorating techniques, but don’t do the same to improve their marketing or sales skills. Intelligent bakers like you recognize that if you’re great at cake decorating, doesn’t it make sense to have great sales skills to beef up your cake prices and what ends up in your bank account.
Presentation 4.2: Clarifying Your All-Important Qualifications
Do you think your behavioral qualifications are enough for you to deserve more orders or charge higher prices? We’ll review the 10 positive characteristics you need, and the 5 you need to avoid like a bad plastic surgeon.
Presentation 4.3: How to Grade Yourself…and Your Competition
We’ll go over a straight-forward formula for grading yourself and grading your competitors from “Second-rate to Awesome-Great” as serious sellers of wedding cakes. It isn’t meant to judge you, but rather help you understand where you fit into 1 of 5 groups, according to our research findings. Then, utilize the knowledge to move up the ladder.
Presentation 4.4: Emotional Intensity: Determine What She’s Willing to Spend
I’m going to share an emotional intensity gauge to help you figure out how much your bride is willing to spend according to how psychologically important a wedding cake is to her.
Presentation 4.5: Personality Profile: A Psychological Tool that Predicts the Design She’ll Choose
You’ll do a better job of serving your bride by knowing which personality type she is. This presentation lends a helping hand to identify which type of design she’s likely to choose based on her personality profile. I must say, this is a pretty ingenious concept.
Presentation 4.6: The Picasso Syndrome: How it Impacts You Through the Lens of the Mind
The “Picasso Syndrome” is a reality check of your skill level. Using Picasso as an example, we’ll paint a philosophical discussion about how a bride can view your cake as a masterpiece or a child’s art project. It’s imperative to understand how a bride mentally judges your skill level against what you believe it is.
Presentation 4.7: The Full-Disclosure Worksheet: Proving to Brides You’re Reasonable and Fair
This presentation will discuss how to use a sales tool called the “Full-Disclosure Worksheet.” It is used to overcome a bride’s “Your Price is High” anxiety by establishing that your prices are actually fair and reasonable. It’s indispensable to quickly gain a bride’s trust by squelching her fear you’re ripping-her-off. (Word editable template included.)
Presentation 4.8: 29 Statistics We Track and Revise Every Edition
You’ll obtain surprising facts and statistics in 29 categories we track and publish in the Ultimate Bride’s Guide to Buying a Wedding Cake” to keep you on the leading edge and forefront of your sales and marketing journey.
Presentation 4.9: The Psychological Impact on Your Bride When You Become an Author
When you go all out to convince a bride you’re trustworthy, the more likely you’ll win her order. Nothing says expert and trust like being an author. I’ll explain what you need to do to write your own wedding cake book, or how you can partner with me to become a co-author overnight.
Tier-5 consists of: Sales Tools
Presentation 5.1: Copywriting That Grabs Your Brides’ Attention
Discover what “power words” are (I’ve included my personal list of 16 pages) and how to use them in your copy. Also, you’ll receive 50 ready-to-use headlines, so you can grab the attention of your brides in ads, on your website or any other marketing materials.
Presentation 5.2: How to Impress and Influence Your Bride the First Time She Calls
I’ll share a couple of masterful phone scripts specifically for the first time a bride calls. They’ve been written to provide brides with the confidence you’re better and different than anyone else they’ve contacted. The bottom line is, it makes them eager to book a consultation with you. In addition, it makes them look forward to their consultation. (You’re able to customize the ready-to-use phone script Word document, so it’s personal and suits your needs.)
Presentation 5.3: Captivating On-hold Messages
In this presentation we’ll look at the objectives for what your on-hold messages must say, so brides are immediately impressed with who you are and to set you apart from your competitors.
Presentation 5.4: Gripping Personal Greeting Messages
We’ll go over 10 ready-made dynamic messages to create heightened confidence in you and your abilities. Yes, they are ready to immediately record on your phone.
Presentation 5.5: How to Craft the Perfect 30 Second Elevator Pitch
I’ll share with you how to develop a meaningful elevator pitch that lets brides know who you are inside and what makes you unique. Having a spellbinding elevator pitch is an absolute must if you want to rack-up sales in bridal shows or networking events.
Presentation 5.6: A Pre-Appointment Questionnaire on a Mission
Using a pre-appointment questionnaire will result in a more productive and caring consultation. We’ll look at a proven format and the questions you’ll want to ask.
Presentation 5.7: Using Educational Emails Prior to the Consultation
Before you ever meet with your brides, this simple tactic affords you the opportunity to pre-sell yourself and your services. We’ll discuss 3 specific emails I send, that you can also use to understand the concept and then implement it.
Presentation 5.9: How to Use a Discussion Brief to Show You Care More Than Your Competitors
We’re going to take a closing technique called the “Summary Close” and turn it on its head to demonstrate you care more about your brides than anyone else they’ll visit.
Presentation 5.10: Implementing Shrewd Special Offers
Have you ever used a “shrewd special offer?” It is an ingenious technique to get brides off the fence to say…YES! I’ll show you how to capitalize on them.
Presentation 5.11: Boost Your Sales by Adding Compelling Bonuses
We’ll go over tried-and-true bonuses to close brides when you need to increase sales, especially in slow or winter months.
Presentation 5.12: Applying Video: It’s a Domination Tool
I’ll explain why video is one of the top psychological marketing tools and how to employ it effectively to persuade even more brides to choose you.
Presentation 5.13: The Bride’s Wedding Cake Buying Decision Matrix
Contained within a simple graph, you’ll discover all the steps which go through a bride’s mind before she decides to hire someone. With this tool, you can now make sure it’s you. (Included in Tier 1.)
Presentation 5.14: The Ad Reliability Evaluator (AD-ffective)
Take the guesswork out of designing a winning ad. This brilliant tool provides a proven formula to insure your ad performs as it should instead of wasting your money. (Template included.)
Tier-6 consists of: The Wedding Cake Business Master Hierarchy
Presentation 6.1: The Wedding Cake Business Master Hierarchy (A Very Special Bonus)
SNEAK PEEK: In this video you’ll be given a preview of a business success operating plan I purchased 15 years ago for a price of $37,500. Over those 15 years, it’s been modified, tested and proven to work incredibly well in the wedding cake industry. I’ve renamed it, “The Wedding Cake Business Master Hierarchy.
Here’s what makes it unique: in a hierarchal order, it lists the most important business and marketing functions you need to implement in your business. When you follow this specific order, it will either improve your business, turn around a failing wedding cake business, or it becomes a master blueprint for starting and operating a super successful wedding cake boutique.
If that’s not enough, there’s another amazing side benefit. This “Success Hierarchy” works equally well whether you own a cake boutique, retail bakery or home bakery selling all types of baked goods.
As you’re reading this, I’m meticulously writing a one-of-a-kind course to thoroughly reveal and explain the “Master Hierarchy” and how to use it to stand on the mountain top of success and financial prosperity for you and your family. When the course is finished, you’ll have the opportunity to receive this training for much less than retail when you elect to invest in "Wedding Cake Sales Guru" (also known as “Cracking The Secret Code That Unlocks Your Wedding Cake Sales and Profits”).
By the way, this is the same “Master Hierarchy" which has grown my business and kept my family cake business flourishing to celebrate our 50th anniversary. Let it do the same for you.
Tier-7 consists of: Strategies and Tactics
Presentation 7.1: Sound Strategies for Selling High, Low, and Medium-Priced Wedding Cakes
Whether you are selling high, low, medium-priced wedding cakes or all the above, you need to have a clearly defined strategy. In this presentation, we’ll look at proven strategies which are ready for your use today…yes, immediately.
Presentation 7.2: Continuous Updated Facts, Trends and Cutting-Edge Ideas
We’ll analyze what you can expect from my monthly “Advanced Insider Wedding Cake Marketing Advisory” letter via email. Plus, you’ll learn how to incorporate the knowledge into your overall marketing plan. The letter will keep you current with the proprietary research I’m conducting and provide additional cutting-edge ideas for getting higher prices and helping you sell more wedding cakes.
Tier-8 consists of: The Prosperity Triangle
Presentation 8.1: The Prosperity Triangle
I’ll reveal a goal-setting aid made up of 3 vital building blocks to reach an apex...for higher prices and profits. This is simple, but highly effective visual advice.
Tier-9 consists of: The Master Sales Blueprint: Putting it all Together in a WINNING System.
Presentation 9.1: How to Fix Advertising That Wastes Your Money
We’ll analyze the philosophy behind wasteful advertising and specifically how to get the best results from your investment by using what I call an “AD-effective” formula. I’ll explain the 4 elements to an ad that get results and show you my best performing ad of all time, using these 4 elements. (Yes, you can use it and the template is included.)
Presentation 9.2: Bridal Magazine Ads or Any Ads: How to Make Them More Productive
Are you getting the results you hoped for from your bridal magazine ads? Finally, you’ll have a formula to get more wedding cake orders out of your ads. We’ll be using the “Ad Evaluator” discussed in presentation 5.14 to show you how. (Template included)
Presentation 9.3: Net the Best Returns from Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest
Discover what’s working to drive more traffic to your business. Further, I’ll keep you updated through free additional video training and through the “Advanced Insider Wedding Cake Marketing Advisory" newsletter. Be sure to subscribe if you don’t take this course.
Presentation 9.4: Creating Strong Strategic Alliances with Other Wedding Vendors
If you’re looking for a sure-thing to get on preferred vendors lists, taking this course is the Holy Grail. I’ll discuss how to leverage the knowledge, strategies and tools from this course to land strategic alliances with as many wedding vendors as you wish.
Presentation 9.5: Yes, You Can Dominate Google’s Pay-Per-Click and Pay-Per-Call
Google’s Pay-per-click and Pay-per-call advertising programs work like stealing candy from a baby, when you know how. I’ll give you ready-to-use ads to generate a massive number of phone calls.
Presentation 9.6: Attract Even More Brides: Place an Opt-in Box on Your Website
We’ll go under the hood to see how and why a simple opt-in form on your home page can increase your wedding cake sales by 10%-15%.
Presentation 9.7: Advertising on “The Knot” or “WeddingWire:” Get the Biggest Bang for Your Buck
I’ll discuss what you need to be doing to get the largest return on investment from these lead-generating websites. There are some simple things you can do, today, to make a monumental difference for generating more leads.
Presentation 9.11: Bringing Home Blockbuster Bridal Show Results
From experience, I can tell you bridal shows are a disaster if you simply try to wing it without a good plan. When you use a well thought out and proven strategy, they can provide a flood of excellent appointments. I’m going to share the secret-sauce research that has shown me how to extract 25-40 consultations from each show. In fact, the last show, as of this writing, handed me 43 orders. I can’t wait to share it with you.
The Consultation:
Presentation 9.15: New Research Reveals A Must-Have Ingredient to Include in Your Millennial Bride’s Consultation
You’ll find out what it takes to get and hold the attention of your bride and what she needs to hear to solidify you as an expert and the baker she should choose.
Presentation 9.16: Amass a Potent Competitive-Edge for Your Sales Area
You’ll receive insights into the tests we’ve conducted with 500 brides. This includes what brides have told us about their preconceived expectations for how they expect your wedding cake area to look, including your personal appearance. If you’re thinking about updating your sales area or don’t have one, this information is exactly what you need.
Presentation 9.17: Applying Raw Passion for Psychologically Influencing Your Bride
Passion in sales has been tested extensively in every imaginable type of business. We’ll review our test results with 200 brides to show you how they affect your wedding cake sales. (I was so surprised by what brides told us and our results, even I revamped our approach.)
Presentation 9.18: 5 Critical Pieces of Evidence to Always Present at a Consultation
While there are many ways to execute a consultation, our research found there are 5 high-powered pieces of evidence to dramatically increase your closing rate and ability to get higher prices. I’ll bring these powerful psychological tools together and lay out the case how and why they win-over brides.
Presentation 9.19: What You Should Say and Definitely Not Say to Your Brides
The words or phrases you choose have an enormous impact on your bride’s psyche. This translates into whether she will like you or cause friction in your attempt to get her to choose you. I’ll share words and phrases that work like magic, and ones that will ruin your sale. If anyone besides you sells wedding cakes, they positively need to be trained on this topic.
Presentation 9.20: How to Employ “Scarcity” Effectively
Of all the psychology tactics we’ve tested for getting brides off the fence, the use of “scarcity” is the best. After 7 years of testing, I’ll reveal the simple technique that works unbelievably well. You can begin using this technique…literally today.
Presentation 9.21: 15 Proven Closes Proven to Capture Orders
We’ll go through 15 ready-to-use closes every baker I coach uses to capture all the orders they can handle. I’ve included an editable Word document prewritten with the exact closes. If you want, you can modify them to suit your personality and style. (Editable Word document included.)
Presentation 9.22: Assembling a Crystal-Clear Sales Agreement
I’ve used 15 agreements over the last 40 years. Then, 3 years ago, I decided to conduct research with 200 bakers to develop the best possible order form we could come up with, so everything is crystal-clear. It turned out to be a long-tail order form, due to its ability to cover many items a bride might need or want, and plenty of particulars for the bridal cake. The legal mumbo-jumbo covers the most common issues we’ve repeatedly tackled selling 16,000 wedding cakes. But, that’s not all. We came to understand, the long-tail order form is a safety-valve to keep us on track for living up to our guarantee and as a prevention tool from making mistakes for items listed on the guarantee.
If She Does Not Order at the Initial Consultation: Follow-up to the Presentation:
Presentation 9.25: Keeping Your Foot in the Door if She Doesn’t Order at Her First Consultation
When a bride doesn’t order from you at the initial consultation, what then? I’ll discuss tested outcomes using tactics, strategies and tools presented in this course. Then, I’ll explain an action plan to make sure she comes back to order.
Keeping Your Bride Informed of the Entire Process Until She Receives Her Delivery:
Presentation 9.26: Emails to Keep Your Bride Informed After She Places Her Order
After brides place their orders, do you keep them informed until the day of their receptions? While doing research, brides expressed, bakers were treating them like an insurance person who sells them a policy and then you don’t hear from them again. We’ll examine our research findings to see what brides want to stay informed about and how often you should follow-up to appease their “Insecurity Gap.”
After the Wedding Reception Follow-up:
Presentation 9.27: Asking the Ideal Evaluation Questions to Track Your Success
The only way you can truly judge how brides view their experience is to ask them. I’ll provide a list of time-tested questions to ask brides a few weeks after their receptions. You’ll quickly find out if your “Internal Reality” matches your “External Perception” and how to utilize that information to improve serving your brides. (Editable Word document included.)
Presentation 9.28: Amassing Referrals from Delighted Brides
When your bride is delighted with your service and wonderful cake(s), take advantage of this opportunity to ask her for referrals of engaged couples. However, don’t make the mistake of simply asking for their names. I’m going to reveal certain techniques to request referrals that make her feel comfortable and more than willing share.
Tier-10 consists of : Wrapping Up the Previous 9 Tiers
Presentation 10.1: A Roadmap for Applying All the Strategies, Tactics and Tools Discovered and Cultivated in This Course
Now that we’ve gone through my historic and proprietary research and all the game-changing marketing and sales tools which were derived from it, we’ll finish with the best sequence to use them for booking more brides and maximizing profits…starting today!
To Generate Higher Prices and Surge Orders in as Little as
1-Week, Use These 4 Cutting-Edge Concepts
(They are in the training and ready to use.)
You'll Love Your Wedding Cake Guarantee
How to Impress a Bride the First Time She Calls
Proving to Brides Your Prices Are Reasonable
33 Bakery-Buster Questions
Can Naomi and Ed Guarantee Meaningful Results? Yes! Here's Why and How...
...Professional Coaching to Ensure Your Success
Since I guarantee you'll increase sales, prices, or profits, coaching provides that extra punch to make sure you do.
...Coveted Gold Standard Wedding Cake Baker
We are limiting the "Gold Standard Wedding Cake Baker" designation to 2,000 bakers. You can be one of them.
...The 6.5x Advantage To Transform Earnings
Our findings gave us the insight and data to develop a 6.5x advantage, which creates transformational life-changing income.
...Innovative Sales Tools Proven to Deliver
The beauty is, you'll have them...your competitors won't. Plus, I'll be there to help you to modify them for your specific needs.
...Guaranteed Results to Protect Your Investment
All you need to do is simply implement half of the strategies, tactics, and tools to be covered by our 100% money back guarantee.
...Stand-out and Separate Yourself From the Pack
93% of bakers cannot concisely explain how they are any better or different than their competitors. Being in the top 7%, you will.
"This training is like hitting the jackpot!"
Three Bonuses to Triple Your Effectivenss
Three - 30 Minute One-on-One Coaching Sessions Personally with Ed ($435) FREE!
You'll receive 3 coaching sessions to answer questions, implement tools and get advice over the next 24 months.
A 24-Month (an additional 12 months) Subscription to Ed's Monthly "Advanced Insider Wedding Cake Marketing Advisory" ($395) FREE!
The monthly guide keeps you current with cutting-edge ideas, using psychology for getting higher prices, making more profit and sell more wedding cakes.
Enjoy VIP Concierge Service: Additional Support to Boost Prices and Profits ASAP ($295) FREE!
Ed will call, within the first three weeks, to offer valuable advice and answer questions to immediately increase your prices and profits. What better way to get off to a great start?
"350,000 brides along with
Advanced AI are handing you the winning ticket"
-Cash it in Here-
Option #1: Gain instant access for only $87 and also save 58%
Option #2: Get immediate access to everything and save 68%
(Most Bakers' Favorite Choice!)
Option #3: An unadvertised special price that includes boosting prices and sales by the next week & saving 74%
- Must See Q & A -
Discover in thorough detail how and why you're able to command 20%-30% higher prices and triple orders
"Making just 2 wedding cakes a week, I wondered if the training would be worth it for a home baker like me? Then I realized, just $87 a month could pocket an extra $700, or $8,400 a year."
"I couldn't smash the sign-up button fast enough!"
I really enjoy sharing my profit-enhancing research findings. I can't wait to hear the impact it has made on you and your family.
Copyright 2016-2025 All Rights Reserved. Westgate Bakery Inc. / Wedding Cake Sales Guru / American Wedding Cake Sales Academy/Icing Images Collaboration